133% = 133/100 (or 133/100 as a mixed fraction).
To express 133.33 as a fraction, we first need to consider the decimal part. The decimal .33 can be written as 33/100 because there are two decimal places. Next, we add the whole number 133 to the fraction, giving us 133 33/100. This can be simplified further to 133 1/3 by dividing both the numerator and denominator of 33/100 by 33.
133/500 = 0.266
assuming 133 13 is meant to be 133 and 1/3 133 x 3 = 399 399 + 1 = 400 Answer: 400/3
133% = 133/100 (or 133/100 as a mixed fraction).
133% = 1 and 33/100
-1.33 = -133/100 or -133/100
66.5 as a fraction = 133/266.5 = 66.5 * 10/10 = 665/10 or 133/2 in fraction in lowest term
-1.33 = -133/100 in fraction
133/100013.3%= 0.133 in decimal= 133/1000 in a proper fraction
To express 133.33 as a fraction, we first need to consider the decimal part. The decimal .33 can be written as 33/100 because there are two decimal places. Next, we add the whole number 133 to the fraction, giving us 133 33/100. This can be simplified further to 133 1/3 by dividing both the numerator and denominator of 33/100 by 33.