149999 to the nearest hundred thousand
Seven hundred seventy-five and 37/100 dollars
The word form would be Fifty-nine and 73/100 dollarsThe decimal form would be 59.73
Four dollars and twenty-nine cents. For a check it is written as: Four and 29/100 dollars
"lecture" is a word form!
149999 to the nearest hundred thousand
Well, honey, if you're rounding off to the nearest ten, the largest whole number that 100,000 can be rounded off to is 100,000 itself. No need to overcomplicate things, just keep it simple and sassy!
Word-form . . . on a check or a formal invitation Standard form . . . everywhere else
The word form is: nine hundred one and forty-five thousandths.
There is no word in English spelled 'fex'. Check the spelling of the word you seek or check the language category and ask your question again.
Sixty-five and 85/100 dollars
There is not word 'excus' in English. Please check the spelling and ask your question again.
if I'm correct i think last is the superlative form of a word i think the comparative form is either later or after, but im not sure you'd have to double check on that
The word form is Forty-five and 00/100 dollarsThe decimal form is $45.00
One hundred eleven and 91/100The word 'dollars' is usually already printed on the check
That doesn't seem to be a Spanish word. Check the spelling. "Soltera" is the female form of unmarried.
Yes, the term 'rain check' is a compound noun; a word made up of two or more words that form a word with it's own meaning.