155% = 155/100 or 31/20 in fraction
155% in reduced form is: 1 11/20
155% = 1.55 = 155/100 = 31/20Percent means 1/100's.So 155 percent is 155/100.This fraction can be reduced by factoring out 5:155/100 = (31*5)/(20*5) = 31/20
15.5 percent = 155/1000 = 31/200
Precent means hundreths, so 15.5 % = 15.5/100 = 31/200
155 is an integer not a fraction.
1 55/100 or reduced 1 11/20
1 over 155
The fraction would be 155/775. This fraction in simplest form would be 1/5.
155 is 15500 percent
87% of 155 = 87% * 155 = 0.87 * 155 = 134.85
6% of 155= 6% * 155= 0.06 * 155= 9.3