When rounding a decimal number to the nearest whole number, you look at the first decimal place. In this case, 16.8 has a decimal place value of 8. Since 8 is 5 or greater, you would round up to the next whole number. Therefore, 16.8 rounded to the nearest whole number is 17.
No 168 is not a prime number it is a composite number
168 is an integer, not a fraction nor mixed number.
14 and 168 42 and 56
To the nearest whole number, 168
No, -168 is not a whole number. Whole numbers are non-negative integers, which means they are positive numbers including zero. Since -168 is a negative number, it does not fall within the definition of a whole number.
There are 30.48 centimetres in one foot. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 168 centimetres is equal to 168/30.48 = 5.51 feet or, rounded to the nearest inch, 5 feet 6 inches.
Rounding 168 to the nearest 10, you would round it up to 170.
The ratio, in simplest form, is 3.