18% = 18/100 = 9/20 in its simplest form.
72% = 18/25
To convert 360 percent to a fraction, you first need to divide the percentage by 100 to convert it to a decimal. So, 360 percent is equal to 3.6 as a decimal. To express this as a fraction, you can write it as 3.6/1. To simplify this fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by 0.1 to get the simplest form, which is 36/10 or 18/5.
No, 18/15 is not in simplest form. Try 6/5
Two thirds (2 over 3).
18% = 18/100 = 9/50 in its simplest form
18 percent is also 18 out of 100. Then that can be simplified to 9 out of 50. So 9/50 is 18 percent in its simplest form.
18% = 18/100 = 9/20 in its simplest form.
18% as a decimal is 0.18. As a fraction, it is 18/100. In simplest form it is 9/50.
72% = 18/25
18% As a fraction = 18/100 or 9/50 As a decimal = 0.18
18% = 18/100 = 9/50
18% = 9/50 can it also be regular 18
18% = 18/100 = 9/20
In its simplest form, the answer is 18 and 3/4
72% is 0.72 as a decimal and as a fraction 18/25 in its simplest form