In decimal form, the expression "166 remainder 1" can be written as 166.1. This is because when dividing 166 by 1, the quotient is 166 with a remainder of 1. Therefore, the decimal representation includes the whole number 166 followed by the remainder expressed as a decimal place value of 1.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! To write a remainder as a decimal, you simply divide the remainder by the divisor. This will give you a decimal representation of the remaining part. Just remember, there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents in math!
A decimal without a remainder is a whole number or integer.
It would be 27.(1/27). So.... 27.03703703703.
By a mixed number if you mean say 1 1/4 . So to convert 1 1/4 to a decimal, the coefficient '1' remains as '1'. We then take '1/4' This means one divided by '4'. You will say cannot be done, but oh!!! yes it can . Set up your division bracket. 4)1.0000 Note the decimal point and the 'string of zeroes'. We say 4 divided into '1' won't go. So zero in the answer , then carry the decimal point into the answer. With a remainder of '1' 4)10.000 = 0. The remainder of '1' is carried onto the first decimal zero so its reads '10'. We say 4 divided into '10' will go, answer is '2' (8) and a remainder of '2' So zero in the answer , then carry the decimal point into the answer. With a remainder of '2 So 4)100.0 = 0.2...' The remainder '2' is carried on to the second decimal , so it reads '20' We say 4 divided into '20' will go, answer is '5' (20) and NO remainder. Since there is no remainder the division is complete. Hence 4)100.0 = 0.25 Add the 0.25 to the coefficient '1' so we have 1.25 = 1 1/4
Presumably the original problem was 100/3 which gives 33 remainder 1 and as a decimal it is 33.3333.....recurring 3
A decimal does not have a remainder.
It is called no remainder decimal.
You do not invert it. However, you can convert the remainder to a decimal by carrying out a long division of the remainder divided by the original divisor. For example, 13/3 = 4r1 Then, long division of the remainder (=1) by the divisor (=3) gives 0.33.... which is the converted remainder. The full quotient, in decimal form is 4.33...
In decimal form, the expression "166 remainder 1" can be written as 166.1. This is because when dividing 166 by 1, the quotient is 166 with a remainder of 1. Therefore, the decimal representation includes the whole number 166 followed by the remainder expressed as a decimal place value of 1.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! To write a remainder as a decimal, you simply divide the remainder by the divisor. This will give you a decimal representation of the remaining part. Just remember, there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents in math!
109 times with remainder of .333 repeating decimal
A decimal without a remainder is a whole number or integer.
It would be 27.(1/27). So.... 27.03703703703.