To round 87621.32178939 to the nearest millionth, we need to look at the seventh decimal place, which is the millionth place. The digit in the millionth place is 1. Since it is less than 5, we round down. Therefore, the number rounded to the nearest millionth is 87621.321789.
It is 0.01786, approx.
0.142857 repeating 14.29%
0.142857 Simply divide 1 by 7
It is 0.037037... where the underlined string repeats without end.
Ten and one seventh rounded to the nearest half is 10.
The decimal for four and one seventh is 4.143 (rounded).
Sure thing, honey. To round 218.0979797 to the nearest millionth, you look at the seventh decimal place, which is a 7. Since 7 is equal to or greater than 5, you bump up the digit in the millionth place by 1. So, 218.0979797 rounded to the nearest millionth is 218.098. Voila!
To round 87621.32178939 to the nearest millionth, we need to look at the seventh decimal place, which is the millionth place. The digit in the millionth place is 1. Since it is less than 5, we round down. Therefore, the number rounded to the nearest millionth is 87621.321789.
one seventh as a decimal is 0.1429 and a percentage is 14.29%1/7 = 0.14290.1429 * 100% = 14.29%
1/7 = 0.1429