It is 25, as in the question. You could, if you wanted, put a decimal point after it but 25.0 would not be right since that would imply a higher degree of precision.
25/1000 as a decimal is 0.025
To convert 25% to decimal:1. Remove the % sign.2. Divide 25 by 100.25% = 25/100 0.25 in decimal
If you mean 18/25 then it is 0.72 as a decimal
11/25 is 0.44 as a decimal.
It is: 20 and 22/25 = 20.88 as a decimal
31/25 into a decimal = 1.2431/25:= 31 ÷ 25= 1.24 in decimal
49 over 25 as a decimal = 1.9649/25= 49 ÷ 25= 1.96 in decimal
24 over 25 into a decimal = 0.9624/25:= 24 ÷ 25= 0.96 in decimal
21⁄25 = 0.8421 over 25 to a decimal = 0.8421/25:= 21 ÷ 25= 0.84 in decimal
fraction 121-25 written in a decimal = 4.84121/25:= 121 ÷ 25= 4.84 in decimal
25/1000 as a decimal is 0.025
25% = 0.25 in decimal
25% = 0.25 in decimal
25 written as a decimal = 25.0
25 over 400 as a decimal = 0.062525/400:= 25 ÷ 400= 0.0625 in decimal
To convert 25% to decimal:1. Remove the % sign.2. Divide 25 by 100.25% = 25/100 0.25 in decimal
20 over 25 as a equivalent decimal = 0.820/25:= 20 ÷ 25= 0.8 in decimal