To convert 2.81 to a mixed number in simplest form, we first need to separate the whole number part from the decimal part. The whole number is 2, and the decimal part is .81. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we place it over 100 (since there are two decimal places in .81), which gives us 81/100. Therefore, 2.81 as a mixed number in simplest form is 2 81/100.
It is: 281 and 7/20 in its simplest form
Yes 281 is a prime number, as it can only be divided only by 1 and itself.
1 x 281, 281 x 1
281 to the nearest tens is 280
281 rounded to the nearest ten is 280.
It is: 281 and 7/20 in its simplest form
12 and 17/22
304/562 = 152/281
280 616⁄568 = 19957⁄71 or 281 6⁄71
The factors of 281 are: 1 281 (281 is a prime number)
Write the decimal portion of the number (0.281) as a fraction: 281/1000. 281 and 1000 do not have any common factors, so 6 281/1000 is the only answer.
281 is a prime number.
281 is a prime number.
Yes 281 is a prime number, as it can only be divided only by 1 and itself.
To find 40 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.4. In this instance, 0.4 x 281 = 112.4. Therefore, 40 percent of 281 is equal to 112.4.
281 = (2 x 100) + (8 x 10) + (1 x 1)