62.5 percent is .625 which is 625/1000 which can be reduced of course.So it is 5/8 as a reduced fraction.
Oh, dude, you want me to math? Okay, so -183 over 1000 in simplest form is like -183/1000. It's already simplified because, like, you can't reduce it any further. So, yeah, that's the answer. Math, man, it's wild.
reduced fraction of 24 over 36 = 2/3
.126 = 126/1000 which can be reduced to 63/500.
735 over 1000 reduced is 147/200
The reduced fraction is 2083/50000
375 over 1000 reduced to its lowest form is 3/8
The fraction 47/1000 cannot be reduced any more.
The fraction 119/1000 cannot be reduced any more.
It is already reduced.
The fraction 18 over 1000 reduced to its simplest terms is 9/500
375/1000 = 3/8
606/1000 = 303/500
675/1000 = 27/40