As a decimal, there's only one form . . . 0.46
It is already a decimal. As a fraction it is: 46/10000, simplified to 23/5000.
23 over 50.
0.046 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. And, since it is a decimal fraction, there is not another simpler decimal form. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 46/1000 which simplifies to 23/500.
23/50 = 23 ÷ 50 = 0.46 or 46%
46% = 46/100 = 23/50 [fraction] and 0.46 [decimal]
As a decimal, there's only one form . . . 0.46
23% of 46= 23% * 46= 0.23 * 46= 10.58
46% = .46 = 46/100 or 23/50
23/50 = 46/100 which, as a decimal, is 0.46
Converting percentage to a decimal: 23% = 23 / 100 = 0.23What is 23% of 200:= 23% * 200= 0.23 * 200= 46
It is: 46/100 = 0.46 as a decimal
you turn 46% in to a decimal (0.46) and then reduce 46/100 (23/50)
The GCF of 23 and 46 is 23. 23/23 = 1 46/23 = 2 23/46 = 1/2