240% is 2.40
2.40 is the decimal equivalent (two and forty hundredths)
83% as expressed as a decimal is .83 since 83% = 83/100 = .83 Multiply the decimal by the number in question to get your answer. .83 * 240 = 199.2
To calculate 40 percent off 240, you multiply 240 by 0.40 (which is the decimal form of 40 percent). This gives you 96. Therefore, 40 percent off 240 is 96.
To find 125 percent of 240, you first convert 125 percent to a decimal by dividing by 100, which gives you 1.25. Then, you multiply 1.25 by 240 to get the answer. Therefore, 125 percent of 240 is 300.
240% is 2.40
240 = 100% 240/190 = 79.17% to 2 decimal places
Divide 240 by 31. In the answer, forget the decimal part and just take the integer part to get the number of 31's in 240. So 240/31 = 7.742. Ignore the decimal part. So there are seven 31's in 240.
divide 157 by 240. You will end up with a decimal. move the decimal point two places to the right and you've got your percentage. 157/240 =0.65416667 move the decimal and your percentage is 65.416667% or, if you round it, 65%
It is: 20/240 times 100 = 8.33% recurring decimal
Divide 216 by 240 and convert the decimal answer to a percent and the answer is 90%.
240 thousandths is like saying 240/1000 = 24/100 = 0.24
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. As a decimal number, it is 240, exactly as in the question.
To find the decimal part of a number, you divide the smaller number by the larger number. In this case, to find what decimal part of 240 is 160, you would divide 160 by 240. This division would result in 0.6666666667, which can be rounded to 0.67. Therefore, 160 is 0.67, or 67%, of 240.
2.40 is the decimal equivalent (two and forty hundredths)
83% as expressed as a decimal is .83 since 83% = 83/100 = .83 Multiply the decimal by the number in question to get your answer. .83 * 240 = 199.2