To write 26 tenths in decimal format, you can simply divide the numerator (26) by the denominator (10). This division will give you 2.6, which represents 26 tenths in decimal form.
There is no digit in the tenths place of the number 26 - the tenths place is the number to the right of the decimal point.
decimal form of 10 tenths = 1.010 tenths in decimal = 1
12 tenths as a decimal is 1.2
38 tenths in decimal = 3.8
To write 26 tenths in decimal format, you can simply divide the numerator (26) by the denominator (10). This division will give you 2.6, which represents 26 tenths in decimal form.
There is no digit in the tenths place of the number 26 - the tenths place is the number to the right of the decimal point.
2.888... = 26/9.
26 you just have to move the decimal point by 1. 1 represents the place where tenths is placed as a decimal. So if the question is How many hundredths are there in 2.6? The answer will be 260 - you will move the decimal point 2 times because hundredths is the 2nd digit as a decimal
We convert to tenths. That gives us 26 tenths minus 15 tenths which gives us eleven tenths. That is one and one tenth or 1.1 in decimal.
decimal form of 10 tenths = 1.010 tenths in decimal = 1
decimal for eighth tenths = 0.8
two- tenths = 0.2 in decimal
To write decimal 26.1 in tenths, you need to understand that each decimal place represents a power of 10. The digit to the right of the decimal point is in the tenths place. Therefore, 26.1 can be written as 26 and 1/10, or simply 26.1.
three tenths as a decimal = 0.3
12 tenths as a decimal is 1.2
4 tenths i decimal = 0.4