Well, darling, 273 rounded to the nearest 1000 is still 0. Because when you're playing in the big leagues of thousands, 273 doesn't even make the cut. So, keep dreaming big, honey, but 273 stays put in the hundreds club.
It is zero.
273 mL/1000 mL = 273/1000 = 0.273
273 to the nearest ten is 270.
273 to the nearest hundreds place = 300
56.4 converted in to a fraction is 273/5.
Well, isn't that a happy little number! When we round 273 to the nearest ten, it becomes 270. See how we're just adjusting a bit to make it more comfortable and easier to work with? Just like adding a touch of highlight to a painting to make it shine!
273/1000 would be the associated fraction.