10% of 950.00 is 95.00 so 30% would be 95.00 x 3, which is 285.00
0.36/20:= 6 ÷ 20= 0.3 in decimal
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 35, exactly as in the question.
To turn any decimal into a percent, simply multiply by 100, or move the decimal over to the right two spaces. 2.32 = 232%
0.45 is basically 45 with the decimal place moved two spaces to the left- so, it can be turned into 45/100. Simplify this and you get the result: 9/20.
28500 * (20/100) = 28500/5 = 5700
28500 tons is equivalent to 57,000,000 pounds.
The number 28500 is an integer, so it is 28500.0000... . The zeros to the right mean it is an integer. The three dots mean the zeros continue forever (ad infinitude). If the number is not an integer, like 3 3/4, change the 3/4 to a decimal and add to 3: 3/4=.75, 3 3/4=3.75.
1.2 turned into a decimal = 1.2
110 turned into a decimal could become 110.00
5/7 turned to a decimal = 0.71435/7:= 5 ÷ 7= 0.7143 in decimal
5 over 4 turned into a decimal = 1.25
43.8% = 0.438 in decimal
Well, isn't that a happy little question! After 28,500 years, about 1/16th of the original amount of Carbon-14 remains. It's amazing to see how nature's clockwork can show us the passage of time in such a gentle and beautiful way.
decimal 3 turned into a fraction = 3/100.3 * 10/10 = 3/10 in fraction
10% of 950.00 is 95.00 so 30% would be 95.00 x 3, which is 285.00