Well, honey, 3.38 as a whole number is 3. There's no need for all those extra decimal places when you're just looking for a plain old whole number. So, there you have it, 3 is the magic number in this case.
1, 2, 13, 26, 169, 338
No. 12 would be a whole number, or 13 would be a whole number, but 12.5 is 12 and 1/2, which is NOT a "whole" number.
45/5 is equivalent to a whole number.45/5 is equivalent to a whole number.45/5 is equivalent to a whole number.45/5 is equivalent to a whole number.
No it is not a whole number
You can't change a whole number to a decimal. A decimal and a whole number are both numbers. A decimal is just a number lower than a whole number, or a number in between two whole numbers.
lowest number that goes into 338 = 338
338 isn't prime, 338=2*169
For a start, any number that ends in 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0 is even, meaning it has 2 as a factor. If you divide 338 by 2, you'll get the other factor.
As 338 is an integer, it does not contain a fractional part. However you could technically write it as 338 (+) 0/x where x is any value other than zero. For example 338 (+) 0/1 338 (+) 0/2 338 (+) 0/3
There are no such integers. Proof: choose any positive whole number x two consecutive even integers: (2x) (2x+2) Take the sum (2x)+(2x+2) (2x)+(2x+2)=340 4x+2=340 4x=338 x=338/4=84.5 Since this is not a whole number, there is no whole number that satisfies the conditions. (There are two consecutive odd integers which add up to 340: 169 and 171)
c - 338 = 238 + 338 +338 c = 576
The largest factor of 338 is 338.
The phone number of the Purcellville Library is: 540-338-7235.