Rounded to the nearest whole number, it is 10.
It can be rounded from 0.7 to 1 as a whole number
It is then 18 when rounded to the nearest whole number
It is 63 rounded to the nearest whole number
It is 3 when rounded to the nearest whole number
1.471 rounded to a whole number is 1
Rounded to the nearest whole number, it is 10.
It is 2 when rounded to the nearest whole number
9.12 rounded to a whole number is 9.
It is then 14 when rounded to the nearest whole number
It can be rounded from 0.7 to 1 as a whole number
It is then 18 when rounded to the nearest whole number
503.8 rounded to the nearest whole number is 504
8.34 rounded to the nearest whole number = 8
5.18742 rounded to the nearest whole number is 5.
2.302 rounded to the nearest whole number is 2
It is 63 rounded to the nearest whole number