3/10 as a decimal is 0.3
4/10 as a decimal is 0.4
To convert 10 over 20 into a decimal, you simply divide the numerator (10) by the denominator (20). So, 10 divided by 20 equals 0.5. Therefore, 10 over 20 as a decimal is 0.5.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator. In this case, 250 divided by 10 is 25. Therefore, 250 over 10 as a decimal is 25.
Written as a decimal 7/10 would be .70
34/100 as a decimal = 0.34
It is: 34/99 = 0.34 .... recurring 34
Expressed as a decimal, 34/36 is equal to 0.94 recurring (that is, 0.94444...)
Expressed as a decimal, 34/28 is equal to 1.2142857 recurring (that is, 1.2142857142857...)
17/34 = 0.5 or 50%
It is 0.85