35% as a decimal is 0.35
This is really easy...Just like any other fraction the decimal equivalent is simply the numerator divided by the denominator. For example: 1/4 = .25 BECAUSE 1 divided by 4 equals .25 Any percentage has a denominator of 100. So 35% would be 35/100 35 divided by 100 = .35 Also you can tell by the place value of the decimal. For example: .35 would be written out as 35 hundredths (Meaning 35 per hundred) Since "Percent" literally means PER HUNDRED, 35% would be the same as .35
"per cent" is latin for "divided by hundred". 73 percent = 73/100 = 0.73
It is: 35/10 = 3.5 as a decimal
Decimal: 0.35Fraction: 35/100.
It is 0.1025
Seven per cent as a decimal is: 0.07
0.02 is.
Converted to a decimal, 83 per cent is equal to 0.83.
Probability is a per cent written as a decimal. 1= 100 per cent 0 = 0 per cent 100 per cent means a sure thing.
34.55% = 0.3455
Finding 88 per cent of a number is the same as multiplying a number by 0.88. Therefore, in decimal form, 88 per cent is equal to 0.88.
12.8 per cent is the same as 12.8/100, as per cent means "out of a hundred." so, it is equal to 0.128