20 5/6 or 375/18
3.75% into a fraction = 375/10000 or 3/80 3.75% = 3.75%/100% * 100/100 = 375/10000 or 3/80
To convert a decimal into a fraction, place a 1 under the decimal number (to represent a fraction), move the decimal point to the right of the decimal number and add as many zeroes to the bottom number as the number of places the decimal was moved on the top number. Reduce the fraction to its lowest term. Conversion of given decimal number: .7 (place a 1 underneath to make a fraction) ,7/1 (move the decimal point to the right of the decimal number and add that many zeroes to the bottom number) 7/10 (this fraction cannot be reduced so it is the answer) Other example: conversion of .375 .375 .375/1 375/1000 (now reduce the fraction t its lowest term) 3/8
375 can be expressed as an improper fraction: 375/1
.375 as a fraction is 3/8
Expressed as a top-heavy fraction in its simplest form, 375 percent is equal to 15/4 or fifteen over four.
375% to fraction = 375%/100% = 375/100 or 15/4
375% = 375/100 = 15/4
375/1000 in lowest terms is 3/8
fraction for 9.375 = 375/409.375 * 1000/1000 = 9375/1000 or 375/40 in fraction in lowest term
In fraction form, .375 is equal to 375/1000 which can be reduced to 3/8.
37.5% = 1845/4920, not in simplest form.
To write 18.75 as a fraction, first note that the number after the decimal point is in the hundredths place. Since 75 is 75 hundredths, we can express it as 75/100. Next, we simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor, which is 25 in this case. Therefore, 18.75 can be written as 18 75/100, which simplifies to 18 3/4 in lowest terms.
375 over 1000 reduced to its lowest form is 3/8
4 375 _____ 1000
It is 3/8.