To convert 4 years and 3 months to a fraction, we need to consider the total number of months. 4 years is equal to 48 months (4 years * 12 months/year), and adding 3 months gives us a total of 51 months. Therefore, 4 years and 3 months can be expressed as the fraction 51/12, which simplifies to 4 3/12 or 4 1/4.
December 4 + 3 months = March 6.
To express 4 months as a fraction of a year, you need to consider that a year has 12 months. Therefore, 4 months is equivalent to 4/12 of a year. This fraction can be simplified to 1/3, which means that 4 months is 1/3 of a year.
The exact fraction actually depends on which 3 months you are considering - but as a simple answer, since there are 12 months, 3 months would be 3/12 = 1/4 of a year.
4 weeks and 3 days in July.
Sworn in March 4, 1881, shot on July 2, died September 19. He was president for about 4 months before getting shot, 6 and a half months in total.
A Year has 12 months. There are 4 season in a Year, spring, summer, autumn, winter. 12/4=3 (NOT 4) So there CANNOT be 4 months of summer, your question therefore makes no sense and thus can not be answered.
It is before the fourth of July
If you are 15 weeks pregnant, you are on your 3rd month and 3 weeks.
2016 had 4 months with 5 Sundays.
3 to 4 months just before her surgrey.
3 to 4 months old
3 months/1 year = 3 months/12 months = 3/12 which can be simplified to 1/4.
The question is not complete, but assuming the last time period is "3 months and 1 year," here is the answer:3 years, 2 months9 years, 4 months1 year, 3 months= 13 years, 9 months
4 years is equal to 48 months (4 years x 12 months/year = 48 months). Adding the additional 3 months gives a total of 51 months (48 months + 3 months = 51 months).
To convert 4 years and 3 months to a fraction, we need to consider the total number of months. 4 years is equal to 48 months (4 years * 12 months/year), and adding 3 months gives us a total of 51 months. Therefore, 4 years and 3 months can be expressed as the fraction 51/12, which simplifies to 4 3/12 or 4 1/4.