46000 as a percentage of 47000 = 100*46000/47000 = 97.87%
46000 - 28% = 46000 x (1 - 28/100) = 46000 x 0.72 = 33120
30/100 x 46000 = 13800
28% of 46,000.00= 28% * 46000= 0.28 * 46000= 12,880.00
The increase from 46,000 to 47,000 is: 2.174%
5% of 920000 = 920000*5/100 = 46000
.3 x 46000 There's a calculator on your computer Go back to school, it's not too late You've got a gun...Blow your inferior head off But first, contract aids and pass it on to whoever failed to teach you math
It is 46000.