The decimal place is three digits from the end.
It is 11.929 rounded to three decimal places
The number 23.124 has three decimal places. The decimal place is the position of a digit to the right of the decimal point, which represents a value less than one. In this case, there are three digits to the right of the decimal point, indicating three decimal places.
0.666666667 can be rounded to 0.7 to one decimal place, 0.67 to two decimal places, 0.667 to three decimal places, etc.
The decimal place is three digits from the end.
To write twelve and three tenths as a decimal, write the number twelve as a whole number to the left of the decimal place and three tenths as three to the right of the decimal place. It appears as 12.3
three decimal places means three numbers after the decimal place, so 3.030
Three to the right of the decimal place.
It is 1.000
find the next decimal place.
The whole number is 5 and .267 is the decimal place value to three decimal places
In decimal fractions, the ones place is located one decimal place to the left of the decimal point.For example, in the decimal fraction 3.14, the number three is located in the ones place.
It is 11.929 rounded to three decimal places
Three thousandths.
303.02 The hundredths is the second place to the right of the decimal.