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Q: What is 4.45 rounded to the nearest whole number?
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Is 445 divisible by 3?

Yes, but the answer is not a whole number. 445 divided by 3 = 148.33333 recurring.

What is 445 percent as a decimal rounded to thousandths place?

It is: 445% = 4.450

What does 444 rounded up to nearest 10 equals?

It is 440 when rounded to the nearest ten. As the 4 in the units place is less than 5, it is rounded down. Note: If the 4 units had been 5 or more, it would be rounded up. So 445 would have become 450

What is the square root of 445?

Expressed as a decimal, rounded to two decimal places, sqrt(445) = ±21.10

How many inches are there in 445 millimetres?

There are 25.4 millimetres in one centimetre. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 445 millimetres is equal to 445 / 25.4 = 17.52 inches.

Is 445 divisible by 5910 and why?

445 is divisible by 5 because 445 is a multiple of 5. 445 is not divisible by 9 or 10 because 445 is not a multiple of 9 or 10. 445 is not divisible by 5910 because it is impossible for a number to be divisible by a greater number.

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445 fluid ounces is 27.8 pints.

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The positive integer factors of 445 are:1, 5, 89, 445The factors of 445 are 1, 5, 89, and 445. Factors of a given number are numbers that when multiplied together result in the given number. For example, 5 multiplied by 89 gives the result of 445.

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