44.9 to the nearest whole number is 45.
Rounded to a whole number it is 45
45/5 is equivalent to a whole number.45/5 is equivalent to a whole number.45/5 is equivalent to a whole number.45/5 is equivalent to a whole number.
45% based on the way you state the question. 45% is a whole percent.
It is 45.
It is 45 when rounded to the nearest whole number because .1 is less than .5
9.45 rounded to the nearest whole number is 10. .45 rounds to .5 and 9.5 rounds to 10.
The answer will depend on the degree to which the number is rounded. Without any indication of that, it is not possible to answer the question sensibly.
0.45 should be rounded down to 0.
44.9 to the nearest whole number is 45.
To round to the nearest whole number, you first take only the digits greater than the decimal part. In this case, we have 45. The next step is to look at the tenths place in the decimals, and if it is 5 or greater we must round up. In this case, it is 3, so we don't need to round up. Thus 45.37 rounded to the nearest whole number is 45.
Rounded to a whole number it is 45