500000 + 80000 + 4000 + 400 + 6 = 584,406 = five hundred eighty four thousand four hundred six.
Two hundred eighty-four thousand, twenty-eight.
Five quintillion, eight trillion, forty million, four thousand, six.
the answer is 4000+100+10+2 THATS YOUR ANSWER
Four thousand and seventy-two.
500000 + 80000 + 4000 + 400 + 6 = 584,406 = five hundred eighty four thousand four hundred six.
They are members of an infinite set of numbers of the form 4000*k where k is an integer.
Two hundred eighty-four thousand, twenty-eight.
It is: 4.0*103
To find 6% of 4000, you would multiply 4000 by 0.06 (which is the decimal form of 6%). This calculation would result in 240. Therefore, 6% of 4000 is 240.
Five quintillion, eight trillion, forty million, four thousand, six.
Oh, dude, you wanna know how to write 4000 in expanded form? Like, it's not rocket science, but sure, I'll humor you. 4000 in expanded form is 4 x 1000. So, there you have it, 4000 all broken down for ya.
It is in expanded form.
4000 + 50