To convert 40 over 48 to an improper fraction, you need to divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 8. This simplifies the fraction to 5/6. Therefore, 40 over 48 as an improper fraction is 5/6.
48 over 5
It is 48/10.
Answer = 40/48 = (8x 5)/ (8x6) = 5/6
4.8 written as a fraction is 4 8/10 or, in simplest form, 4 4/5. As an improper fraction, it can be written as 48 over 10, or 24 over 5.
48 over 5
It's an improper fraction equivalent to the numerical value of 16 .
6 3/8 as an improper fraction 6x8 = 48 48+3 = 51 answer = 51/8
It is 48/10.
9.6 = 48/5 as an improper fraction in its lowest terms
Answer = 40/48 = (8x 5)/ (8x6) = 5/6
4.8 written as a fraction is 4 8/10 or, in simplest form, 4 4/5. As an improper fraction, it can be written as 48 over 10, or 24 over 5.
As a mixed number it is 9 3/5. As an improper fraction it is 48/5
If a fraction was written as a mixed number and then turned into an improper fraction you've went backwards instead of on the correct path. You need to return an improper fraction to a proper fraction (mixed number). 55/12 is an example of a improper fraction. We simply divide the top number into the bottom number. 55 ÷ 12 = 4.xxxxx. So we have our whole number. 4. Now we need our fractional part. 4 x 12 = 48. 55 - 48 = 7. Now we have the amount of parts left over always place it back over the original denominator. Now we have our entire mixed number. 4 7/12