Oh honey, 421 rounded to the nearest hundred is 400. It's not rocket science, just chop off those last two digits and call it a day. Math doesn't have to be a headache, darling.
It then is 3900 because 75 rounds up to 100
what is 60,614 round to the nearest hundred
Round down to zero to the nearest hundred and 32.07 to the nearest hundredth.
It is then 1400 to the nearest hundred
You round up to 100.
It then is 3900 because 75 rounds up to 100
176.625 to the nearest THOUSAND is '0' However, I think you mean to the nearrest 'THOUSANDTH'. Note the '---th' suffix , which applies to decimal digits. It is already at the nearest thousandth at '5'. Here are the column names for the given numbers. '1' ; Hundred '7' ; Ten '6' ; Unit Decimal point '6' ; TenTH '2' ; HundredTH '5' ; ThousandTH. NB The suffix '---th(s)' is used for decimal digits.
3623 to the nearest hundred is 4000
To round off to nearest thousand: Check the number on hundred place. If the digit > 5 : Add 1 to thousand place digit. **If the digit
2545 to 2554 -- ten of them.
nearst hundered is 3800