438 rounded to the nearest hundred is 400. If rounded to the nearest thousand, it would be 0.
Well, darling, 438 rounded to the nearest hundred is 400. It's not rocket science, honey. Just drop those extra digits and call it a day.
Six to the nearest ten is ten. Three to the nearest ten is zero.
438 rounded to the nearest hundred is 400. If rounded to the nearest thousand, it would be 0.
Nearest thousand, round down because 438 is less than 500. Answer - 6,172,000Nearest ten thousand, round down because 2,438 is less than 5,000. Answer - 6,170,000
438 rounded to nearest hundered
It is: 440
Well, darling, 438 rounded to the nearest hundred is 400. It's not rocket science, honey. Just drop those extra digits and call it a day.
Six to the nearest ten is ten. Three to the nearest ten is zero.
what nearest ten of 12 v