When rounding a decimal number to the nearest whole number, you look at the first decimal place. If it is 5 or greater, you round up; if it is less than 5, you round down. In this case, 5.3 has a tenths place value of 3, which is less than 5. Therefore, when rounding 5.3 to the nearest whole number, it becomes 5.
53.07 rounded to the nearest whole number = 53
It is rounded to 53.
It is 53.
It is 53 when rounded to the nearest whole number because .4 is less than .5
52. In order to be rounded up to 53 the number would have to be at least 52.50.
It is 53
It is: 1
Rounding is making an approximation of a number so it is easier to work with. eg 1 9 ≈ 10 (≈ means approximately equal to) 53 ≈ 50 These two examples were rounded to the nearest whole number of 10. eg 2 165 ≈ 200 545 ≈ 500 989 ≈ 1000 1378 ≈ 1400 These four examples where rounded to the nearest whole number of 100.