549 rounded to the nearest ten is 550
549 rounded to the nearest hundred is 500.
86.24 cent, rounded to the nearest dollar, is 1 dollar.
Numbers from 450 to 549.
549 rounded to the nearest ten is 550
549 rounded to the nearest hundred is 500.
$65.16 rounded to the nearest dollar = $65 65.16 cents rounded to the nearest dollar = $1
$1002 is $1002 when rounded to the nearest dollar. 1002 cents is $10 if rounded to the nearest dollar.
86.24 cent, rounded to the nearest dollar, is 1 dollar.
$682.00 is already rounded to the nearest dollar.
$7.84 rounded to the nearest dollar is $8.00
$168.72 rounded to the nearest dollar is $169.
177008.69 rounded to the nearest dollar is $177009.