As there are a maximum of 60 minutes in an hour, 55 minutes in decimal form would be 55 divided by 60, which is 0.91666.
Oh, dude, converting percentages to decimals is like, basic math 101. You just move the decimal point two places to the left, so 55 percent becomes 0.55 as a decimal. It's like, no big deal, you got this!
55% = 0.55 as a decimal. And there is really no simplest form for decimals.
It's already a decimal 5.5 is pronounced five point five The equivalent fraction is 11/2
0.55 dollars or 55 cents
Binary 110111 is equivalent to decimal 55.
55/100 is 55 in decimal form.
55/100:= 55 ÷ 100= 0.55 in decimal
There are 1440 minutes in a day. There are 60 minutes in one hour. Therefore, 3 hours 55 minutes is equal to ((3 x 60) + 55)/1440 = 0.163194 recurring (that is, 0.163194444..) days. Subtracting this from 12 days gives 11.836805 recurring (that is, 11.836805555..) days.
It is: 55/100 = 0.55 as a decimal
If you mean: 55/100 then it is 0.55 as a decimal
55/5 as a decimal is simply 11.0
55 tenths is equal to 5.5 as a decimal.
1 hour = 60 minutes1 hour + 55 minutes = 60 minutes + 55 minutes = 115minutes
55% = 0.55
There are 55 + 1440k minutes where k is any integer.
Sure. 55% of something is equal to multiplying the "something" number by 55/100, which is 0.55 in decimal equivalent.