564 rounded to the nearest tens place is 560
what is 60,614 round to the nearest hundred
To the nearest ten: 760 To the nearest hundred: 800
Round down to zero to the nearest hundred and 32.07 to the nearest hundredth.
It is then 1400 to the nearest hundred
564 to the nearest hundred would be 600
Well, isn't that just a happy little math problem! To round 564 to the nearest hundred, we look at the digit in the tens place, which is 6. Since 6 is 5 or greater, we round up the hundreds place to 600. See how easy that was? Just a little math magic to make your day brighter!
Round up to the nearest hundred - 600 (because the two number after the hundred are 50 or more). I take it the second part of the question refers to the nearest ten, as the nearest tenth would be a decimal place. Round down to the nearest ten - 560 (because the unit is less than 5).
564 rounded to the nearest tens place is 560
what is 60,614 round to the nearest hundred
To the nearest ten: 760 To the nearest hundred: 800
Round down to zero to the nearest hundred and 32.07 to the nearest hundredth.
It is then 1400 to the nearest hundred
To the nearest hundred it is zero.
8 rounded to the nearest hundred is "zero".