60 is what percent of 150:= 60 / 150= 0.4Converting decimal to a percentage:0.4 * 100 = 40%
Expressed as a decimal fraction, this is equal to 0.6.
60 percent of 4000 is is 2400.Divide 60 by 100 to turn it into a decimal. That equals .60. Then multiply 4000 by .60 to get the answer.60% of 4,000 is 2,400
fracton 3/5ths decimal 0.60
60% = 0.60 in decimal
3/5 to a decimal and a percent = 0.6; 60%
60% is 0.60
60 percent as a decimal is 0.6 and as a fraction it is six tenths.
60 100 .60
60% = 0.60
60% = 0.60
Divide by 100. For example, 60 percent in decimal form would be 60 divided by 100, which is 0.6
45/60 change from decimal into percent. In this case,.752 decimal places over, 75%
0.60 as a percent is 0.6 X 100 = 60%