639.497 round to the nearest tenth is 639.5
Remember in decimals , 'tenths' is the first number to the right of the decimal point. 'Hundredths/thousandths' is the second/third number to the right of the decimal point.
So for the moment ignore the '4' (tenths). Is the next number '5' or greater? Yes, it is at '9'. So round up the '4' to '5'.
Hence 639.497 rounded to tenths is 639.5.
Another way is to say is 497 nearer 500 or 400? It is only three places from 500 , but 97 places from 400. So it is nearer 500. Hence 497 rounds to 500. It follows 639.497 rounds to 649.5
It is 5.2 when rounded to the nearest tenths.
It is then 56.5 when rounded to the nearest tenth
It is 0.8 when rounded to the nearest tenth
It is 5.2 when rounded to the nearest tenths.
It is then 52.8 when rounded to the nearest tenth
It is then 56.5 when rounded to the nearest tenth
It is 232.4 when rounded to the nearest tenth
It is then 20.2 when rounded to the nearest tenth
It is 0.8 when rounded to the nearest tenth
Oh honey, 113.04 rounded to the nearest tenth is 113.0. It's as simple as that. No need to make a big fuss over it.