To convert 0.504 to a fraction, we can write it as 504/1000. To simplify this fraction to its lowest terms, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 504. By simplifying, we get 63/125. So, 0.504 as a fraction in lowest terms is 63/125.
0.63 as a fraction is 63/100. 0.63 as a percent is 63%.
63% = 63/100 = 0.63
63% can be written as 63/100, which is the simplest form because neither 63 nor 100 have an equivalent prime factor.
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 25.2 percent is equal to 63/250 or sixty-three two hundred and fiftieths.
63 is an integer and not a fraction.
63 over 104 is already a fraction in its lowest terms.
If you mean: .63 recurring then as a fraction in its lowest terms it is 7/11
63/80 is in lowest terms. 80=2x2x2x2x5 2 and 5 do not got into 63 without a remainder.
The fraction 61/63 cannot be reduced any more.
63/125, there is no number that goes into both 63 and 125 that is not a decimal or fraction
12/63 = 4/21
63/20 3.15 is three and fifteen hundredths which is 315/100 or 63/20 in lowest terms
63 percent written as a fraction is 63/100.