635 estimated to the nearest ten is 640. When estimating a number to the nearest ten, you look at the digit in the ones place. If that digit is 5 or greater, you round up to the next multiple of ten. In this case, 635 has a 5 in the ones place, so you round up to 640.
As of 2021, the population of Glinik Zaborowski in Poland is estimated to be around 1,100 residents.
It's estimated to be about 640 light years away. However there's still a lot of uncertainty over the exact distance.
60% of 640= 60% * 640= 0.6 * 640= 384
30% of 640 = 30% * 640 = 0.3 * 640 = 192
48% of 640 = 48% * 640 = 0.48 * 640 = 307.2
110% of 640= 110% * 640= 1.1 * 640= 704
85% of 640= 85% * 640= 0.85 * 640= 544
According to Google Maps, the distance is 640 miles and the estimated driving time is 10 hours and 8 minutes.
The runaway crimson Super Giant named Betelguese was estimated in 2008 to be approximately 640 light years away from our Earth.