Six hundred sixty-six thousand, six hundred sixty-six and sixty-six hundredths.
To find the fractional form for a completely repeating fraction, the numerator will be the repeating number and the denominator will be a number of nines equal to the amount of digits in the repeating number. Reduce if possible. Example: .121121121... = 121/999 .1212121212... = 12/99 = 4/33 .66666666... = 6/9 = 2/3 Hope that helped!
0.2 in words is two tenths
0.12 in words is: twelve hundredths.
9.01 in words is: nine and one hundredth.
In words, this is equal to eleven thousand.
tell me!
.66666666 (it goes on forever)
is o.66666666
yes the code is ~66666666~
2/3 turns out to be and infinite number. The decimal form is .66666666 to infinity.
3.41 x 1,3019234 /12347 x 8 + 13- 1804351 x 235-135425 x2 105 + 1- 1243818723847= 68935013828483769314151163591716 The hardest math problem is the one that you don't understand an therefore can't do.
you can turn both into a decimal 2/3=.66666666 repeating 3/4=.75 or you can find a lowes common denominator. 2/3=8/12 3/4=9/12
To find the fractional form for a completely repeating fraction, the numerator will be the repeating number and the denominator will be a number of nines equal to the amount of digits in the repeating number. Reduce if possible. Example: .121121121... = 121/999 .1212121212... = 12/99 = 4/33 .66666666... = 6/9 = 2/3 Hope that helped!