Well, honey, 6.9 is a decimal, not a fraction or mixed number. If you want to turn it into a fraction, just write it as 69/10. But hey, don't stress about it too much, math is just a bunch of numbers playing dress-up anyway.
It is: 14 and 69/100
The mixed number for 10 eighths is 11/4
It is 1 and 3/10 as a mixed number
5.1 = 5 1/10
69 2/10 = 69⅕
6.9 as a mixed number is 6 and 9/10. As an improper fraction 6.9 is 69/10.
69/10 or 6 and 9/10
6.9 = 69/10 = 6 9/10
69.1 = 691⁄10 or 69 1⁄10
15.69 as a mixed number = 15 69/100
69 over 15 as a mixed number = 43/5
Well, honey, 6.9 is a decimal, not a fraction or mixed number. If you want to turn it into a fraction, just write it as 69/10. But hey, don't stress about it too much, math is just a bunch of numbers playing dress-up anyway.
69/4 = 171/4
69/21 = 32/7
69/15 = 23/5 = 43/5