A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 600.
It is 6.07 (the 7 is in the hundreds place).
Its positional place value is 6/100 = six hundredths
0.05 or just .05 is five hundredths as a decimal.
The hundreds place is three to the left of the decimal point; in 438217.065 it is the 2.
50 hundreds as a decimal = 5000.0
To write 230 hundreds, 32 tens, and 6 ones in decimal numerals, you would first multiply 230 by 100 to get 23,000. Then, you would multiply 32 by 10 to get 320. Finally, you would add 6 to get a total of 23,000 + 320 + 6 = 23,326 in decimal numerals.
13 hundreds in decimal form = 1300
11 hundreds in decimal form = 1100
6.24 can be called 6 and 24 hundreds since there r 2 places to the right of the decimal. 24 hundreds means 24/100. that can be simplified to equal 6 and 6/25
In hundreds it is 0.00625
It is 6.07 (the 7 is in the hundreds place).
Six hundreds in decimal form is 600.00
10 hundreds is 1000
23 hundreds = 2300
If you mean 9 hundredths then 9/100 = 0.09 as a decimal
The third digit to the left of the decimal point is the hundreds place.