The LCM is 675.
The GCF of 45 75 and 135 is 15.
10.8 is what percent of 135= 10.8 / 135= 0.08Converting decimal to a percentage:0.08 * 100 = 8%
The common factors of 75 and 135 are: 1, 3, 5, and 15
It is: 135/180 times 100/1 = 75%
It is: 75%
18 percent of 135 = 24.318% of 135= 18% * 135= 0.18 * 135= 24.3= 82.56
It is an 80% increase.
To find 75 percent of 180, you can multiply 180 by 0.75 (which is the decimal form of 75 percent). This calculation would result in 135. Therefore, 75 percent of 180 is 135.
135-75 = 60
It is 15
The LCM is 675.
135 = 13,500 percent
135 = 13,500%
6 percent of 135 is 8.1
70 percent of 135 is 94.5