The answer is 0.57142857143 - you could just write it as 0.57, unless you need to be more specific.
An easy way to convert a fraction into a decimal is through some simple math:
For 4/7 you need to create a fraction that has 4 x 25 on top and 7 x 25 on bottom.
It should look like 4 x 25/7 x 25.
Do that math. 4 x 25 = 100 and 7 x 25 = 175.
Your new fraction should be 100/175.
Then you need to divide 100 by 175. 100 goes into 175 0.57 times, so your answer is 0.57.
7/4 as a decimal is 1.75
4 and 7 over 10 as decimal is 4.7
7 4/21 in decimal form is 7.190476 . . .
Expressed as a decimal, 4 7/100 is equal to 4.07.
7/4 = 1.75
7/4 = 13/4 = 1.75
4 and 7/8 = 4.875
8 over 4 as a decimal is 2.0. 1 over 4 as a decimal is 0.25. If you meant 8 + (1/4) = 8.25 or (8+1)/4 = 2.25
4/7 = 0.57143