87.2 in fraction form = 872/10 = 436/5
27421 + 872 = 28293
492 million 872 thousand 641 = 492,872,641
872 rounded to the nearest ten is 870
872 divided by 18 is 48 with remainder 8.
492 million 872 thousand 641 = 492,872,641
8451-7579 = 872
what form of word is wolf
The word form is: thirty and sixty-eight thousandths.
The word form is: twenty-two million.
The word form is: six thousand, eighty.
The word form is eight; the word form for the complete number is eight and fifty nine one hundredths.
The word Africans is the plural form. The singular form is African. Some nouns in their plural form can be used to refer to an entire group, like the word Africans. But it is still a plural word.