When rounding a number to the nearest whole number, you look at the first decimal place. In this case, the first decimal place is 7. Since 7 is 5 or greater, you round up the whole number. Therefore, 8.76 rounded to the nearest whole number is 9.
The closest whole number to 54.876 would be 55. This is because .876 is above .500. Anything that is .500 or higher gets rounded up.
The closest whole number to 54.876 would be 55. This is because .876 is above .500. Anything that is .500 or higher gets rounded up.
To round the number:Find the required digit, noting the number upto itLook at the next digit to its right. if it is 5 or more, add one to the required digit (carrying as necessary to the digits to its left) otherwise if it is less than 5, leave it alone.Replace all digits to the right of the required digit by 0s.For 876:10s digit is 7 (number so far is 87...)Next digit is 6 which is 5 or more, so add 1 to the 10s digit: 7 + 1 = 8 (no carry required)Replace all digits to right of 10s by 0s: 880876 to nearest 10 is 880.
The digit 8 in the number 876 has a value of 800.
876-975-2349 876--975-2768
It is a composite number.