38 over four written as a mixed number = 91/2
To convert 8.91 to a mixed number, we first note that the whole number part is 8. The fractional part is 0.91. To express the fraction as a mixed number, we divide 91 by 100 (the denominator of the decimal) to get 91/100. Therefore, 8.91 as a mixed number is 8 91/100.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the math questions now? Alright, fine. So, 19.91 as a mixed number would be 19 91/100. It's like taking a whole number and adding a little sprinkle of fraction on top. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
1 and 91/100
1 91/250
91/10 = 9.1 which is 9 and one tenth ( 9 and 1/10)
55 over 6 as a mixed number is 91/6
38 over 4 written as a mixed number is: 91/2
38 over four written as a mixed number = 91/2
15 and 1/6
6 1/15
91/1 = 91, a whole number. You could write it as 90 and 1/1 but that would be pointless.
55/6 = 91/6
of course it can.... try 179 divided by 91. The remainder is going to be the numerator over the denominator (which is whatever the base is)
55 over 6 in its simplest form as a mixed number is 91/6
9.2 converted to a mixed number is 91/5
91/72 is already in simplest form unless you want to write a mixed number, which would be 1 and 19/72