109 in Roman numerals is CIX.
If you are talking about roman numerals, the the numerals in Hindu Arabic is: 246
Exactly 927 but if you meant in Roman numeral numerals then it is CMXXVII
But no facts have been given to decided which is true about Arabic numerals and so therefore an answer is not possible although it is true that Arabic numerals contain a zero symbol which makes arithmetic a lot easier.
We started Roman Numerals in about the year of 1389 AD I think.
AD follows the year; it is placed on the right-hand side of the numerals.
It was first invented in the 4th century BC. By 525 AD, Dionysius Exiguus was using Roman numerals to calculate the birth of Christ and formulate the AD era (now known as the Common Era, or CE). He also used N (nulla, latin for none) for the value zero, as did Bebe in 731 when the AD era finally became dominant. Roman numerals were in common use until the 14th century, when they were largely replaced by the Hindu-Arabic numerals that had been introduced in the 10th century. In ancient Rome, in the Middle Ages (5th Century AD to 16th Century AD) Thought to have been adapted from the Etruscan numerals.
Bear in mind that Roman numerals actually are numbers, they are just not the kind of numbers that we presently use, which are called Arabic numerals. Arabic numerals were first used in Europe in the year 976 AD. Roman numerals still have not entirely fallen out of use, although for most purposes we use Arabic numerals.
The number 1860 can be represented by the Roman numeral MDCCCLX
In Europe, the Hindu-Arabic numerals gradually displaced the Roman numerals over a long period, from about 1000 AD to about 1500 AD. After that time, Roman numerals were no longer used in calculations. Roman numerals remained in use in "official" contexts, such as dates on the foundation stones of buildings, up to very recently. They are also still used in the names of monarchs (Queen Elizabeth II, Louis XIV of France), and Popes (Pope Pius X). Also the introductory pages of books are often labelled with Roman numerals. = =
In Europe the numbers we use now gradually overtook the Roman Numerals because they were too complex. This took quite a long tome though. It was about from 1000 AD - about !500 AD. After a long period of time, the Hindu-Arabic numbers were used to do more complicated calculations.
It was first invented in the 4th century BC. By 525 AD, Dionysius Exiguus was using Roman numerals
Fibonacci introduced the Arabic number system to Europe in the thirteenth century (in the 1200s AD). At first the Europeans didn't take to the system, but later found it was much easier than using Roman numerals and the abacus.
In order from highest to lowest, you would have the number MDCLXVI, which is equal to 1666.
Roman Numerals came from the Romans in the 1st century Ad. Yet nobody knows when they came to the U.S.A. That is my next question i am looking for the answer to.AnswerThey originally came from the Etruscan numeral system and were adapted by the Romans.The Etruscans once ruled the Romans.