All numbers have divisors. Some numbers have some of the same divisors as other numbers. These are called common divisors.
3 is a divisor of 9.
3 is a divisor of 12.
3 is a common divisor of 9 and 12.
The Greatest Common Divisor is 28
The Greatest Common Divisor is 13
The Greatest Common Divisor of 224, 430 is 2.
The Greatest Common Divisor of 120, 500 is 20.
The Greatest Common Divisor of 150, 480 is 30.
The greatest common divisor is: 20
The Greatest Common Divisor is 4
The Greatest Common Divisor is 22
The Greatest Common Divisor is 28
The Greatest Common Divisor is 19
The Greatest Common Divisor is 10
The Greatest Common Divisor is 13
The Greatest Common Divisor is 1
2 is the common divisor
The greatest common divisor is 45.
The Greatest Common Divisor is 35
The Greatest Common Divisor is 2