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Q: What is a composite number that can only have 1 factor tree to it?
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Related questions

How can a factor tree help you determine if a number is prime or composite?

Prime numbers don't have factor trees. So if you can create a tree, your number's composite.

Does it matter which factor you start with when beginning a factor tree for a composite number?


When starting a factor tree for a composite number does it matter which factor pair you start with?


What can you use to show the factors of a composite number?

a factor tree

How would you find all of the factors of a composite number?

factor tree

Can you make a symmetric factor tree for every composite number?

No you cannot. You might want to try the factor tree for 27.

What number has only one factor tree?

Every composite number has its own unique tree, so I guess the answer is all numbers have one tree. Perhaps you meant one branch or one factor. Prime numbers only have two factors, one of them is prime, so if you try to do a factor tree with a prime number, it stops the second you write the number down. And then there's one. One only has one factor, so we won't even bother with a tree. We'll call it a factor twig.

When do you use a factor tree?

When you want to find the prime factorization of a composite number.

What is a diagram used to identify the prime factors of a composite number?

factor tree

What number is on top of a factor tree?

Whatever composite number you're trying to find the prime factorization of.

What is the factor tree for a composite number?

A factor tree is a way of notating the process of finding the prime factorization of any composite number. Example: 210 210 105,2 35,3,2 7,5,3,2 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 = 210

Jesse drew a factor tree of a composite number and ended up with 4x4x5x5x3 as the prime factorization What is the correct prime factorization What is the composite number that was factored?

The answer was wrong. The fours should have been factored into 2 * 2. The composite number is 1200.