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There is no definition since, unfortunately, there is no such word as multicative.

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Q: What is a multiplicative relationship in math?
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Which number is known as the additive identity which number is the multiplicative identity?

Additive identity: zero. Multiplicative identity: one.

Which is the multiplicative identity for whole numbers?

The multiplicative identity of a number leaves that number unchanged under multiplication. Thus the multiplicative identity of any number is 1.

How do you find the multiplicative inverse of a whole number?

Divide 1 by the number. The multiplicative inverse of 7 is 1/7, for example.

What are the elements in rational numbers having multiplicative inverse?

All rational numbers, with the exception of zero (0), have a multiplicative inverse. In fact, all real numbers (again, except for zero) have multiplicative inverses, though the inverses of irrational numbers are themselves irrational. Even imaginary numbers have multiplicative inverses (the multiplicative inverse of 5i is -0.2i - as you can see the inverse itself is also imaginary). Even complex numbers (the sum of an imaginary number and a real number) have multiplicative inverses (the inverse of [5i + 2] is [-5i/29 + 2/29] - similar to irrational and imaginary numbers, the inverse of a complex number is itself complex). The onlynumber, in any set of numbers, that does not have a multiplicative inverse is zero.

What is the multiplicative inverse of a whole number?

Let m be a whole number, then the multiplicative inverse of m is a number n such that mn=1 since 1 is the multiplicative identity. There is only one choice for n, it is 1/m since m(1/m)=1

Related questions

Can a multiplicative be divided?

No. A "multiplicative" is an adjective, not a noun. For example a multiplicative inverse, or a multiplicative relationship, or multiplicative model. It is not a number and cannot be divided.

What is the math term for reciprocal?

The word 'reci[procal' is a maths term. It means inversion of numbers. e.g. 2 its reciprocal is 1/2 1/3 its reciprocal is 3 . et.seq.,

What is another name for 1 in math?

It is the multiplicative identity.

What does the word multiplicative identity mean in math?

Multiplicative Identity states that the product of any number and one is the number itself.

What is the math term for 1 x a equals a?

This is the multiplicative identity.

What does 'unit' mean in math term?

One, single, multiplicative identity.

What does multiplicative inverse mean in math?

In mathematics, a multiplicative inverse or reciprocal for a number x, denoted by 1/x or x−1, is a number which when multiplied by x yields the multiplicative identity, 1

What type of property in math is this 3x1 equals 3?

The Multiplicative Property of 1.

What are oppposites in math?

Opposites in math are called inverses. There are two of these inverses: an additive and a multiplicative. The additive inverse of a number is that number multiplied by -1. If this is added to the number, then the result will be 0. The multiplicative inverse of a number is its reciprocal. This is the number converted into a fraction then flipped. If you multiply a number with its multiplicative inverse, the result will be 1.

What does multiplivativeintverse mean in math terms?

The multiplicative inverse is a fraction flipped upside down. It is also called the reciprocal. Examples: The multiplicative inverse of x is 1/x. The multiplicative inverse of 3/5 is 5/3.

What does multiplicative identity mean in math?

Any number times 1 is the number itself.

What is multiplicative inverse in math?

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