quick way to estimate a 10 percent tip is to remove the ones digit.
Example: to give 10% tip for 50 = 5
10% tip for 500 = 50
Quick way is to multiply it by 1.22
45% based on the way you state the question. 45% is a whole percent.
to estimate the 738 divided by 84.We just have to estimate 738 near to number that is in 84'stable
A fraction or a percent.
The percent is a way of expressing he relationship between part and the whole, where whole is defined as 100%. A percent can be defined by a fraction with a denominator of 100. Decimals can also represent a percent. For instance, 56/100 = 0.56 = 56%
Quick way is to multiply it by 1.22
quick way: move the decimal point = 10% = 3.8 dollars add half that amount = 5% = 1.9 dollars total = 15% = 5.7 dollars = $5.70
Estimate: 70 percent of 50 (I lowered the percent, so I rounded the number up. My way of estimating) which is 35. Actual: 32 3/25
25% of 60 is 15.
Half of seventy-eight is thirty-nine.
per cent means per hundred 56 out of 75 = approx 79 out of 100 = approx 79 % (approx 79 percent) Another way to do a quick estimate is to find a multiple of 100. In this case 75 times 4 would be 300. 4 time 56 is 224. Divide 224 by 3 (the number of hundreds) and you get about 75%
Ok look at it this way which I myself have learned. 10% of $100.00 = $10.00/tip. 10% of $1000.00 = $100/tip and so on. Ok now add the 5% more on the 1st example of total order of $100.00 and you have $15.00 -equaling a 15% tip if a purchase was $100.00. Hope this clarifies the solution. :)
server wages are reduced to account for the tips. The average hourly rate is 1/2 minimum wage or around $3.50 an hr. fifteen to twenty percent of your bill is the average tip. An easy way to figure out a decent tip is by taking the first number and doubling it. So if the bill is $46 you would leave $8 and that would be just about twenty percent
Well, you can't for sure know how old your guinea pig is, but you could get a close estimate. Guinea pigs' bodies grow very quickly, so the best way to guess their age is by looking at their nails. If the tip of the nail is just barely beyond the quick, then I would say it is about 2 and a half months going on 3.
What do you mean by "tip?"Do you mean as in advice or as in 'leaving a tip at a restaurant table?'the advice way: éste es un consejothe restaurant tip way: esto es una propina
There is no quick way. It takes hard work and dedication.